a speck of my future

my future contained in a speck

what is coming?

worlds orbit me

and i gasp at their breadth

the possibilities held in a speck

can i smile wide enough?

beyond me, beyond us

a speck of worlds

manifestations of glory

a glimpse at truth

can i anticipate well enough?


i will try.

the drum of life

a drum sounds

the drum of life

the first sign

it's coming

they gather


they want to be a part of it

they are a part of it

they wonder at it

how could it be

why could it be

within a rhythm

their lives brought to a speck

a speck of glory

a sigh of longing

what does it herald

only just a multitude

and we wonder

how could we be a part of this?

why are we a part of this?

the perfect funeral – a recipe

this would be a funeral with lots of people

and everyone would raise their glasses

they would say hear! hear!

they would jump around

they would scream

because they know they only have one life

they would hold hands and cry

they would embrace each other

and feel the warmth of bodies on bodies

everyone would be very happy

and they would be very sad

there would be a lot of moaning

because every moment is precious

but you can’t hold them too dear

because every moment is fleeting

but every moment is one-of-a-kind

but nothing lasts

and yet maybe it will

no one would know

but we would all be together in that

the fact that no one knows

but also that we could have blind hope

and we would all try for that

to blindly hope in the moments

and over the course of time

maybe we would believe it

together, we could believe it

and together, we could be ok

even when we might hurt each other

even when we might say things

even when we might think things

we could still stand together

In that moment, and think

“we might all be ok”

“and that dead guy, maybe him too”

we could look at a small flower

we could think about it

we could feel our breaths together

and that would be enough

and then we would go home

written for a film festival submission that was rejected.


I want people to see the world through my eyes
I want them to feel how I feel sometimes
To show them the beauty
To show them the sadness
I want to get these things out
Things I can't express
I don't know how
The trees
The sky
The small flowers
Heart ache
A smile

Ive felt the evil of man
I know what it is to be evil and to want evil things
I've seen how a man can be evil

But again, i see the sun
And I see the tendrils of ice
I see the dog's hairs and the cat's purr
I see the green of the grass
How deep green it can be sometimes
And how easy it can be to not see that
To see someone crush the flower
It can be awful

I want to show it, I want us to see it
I don't know how i can do that
We all see different things
But I think there can be a time when we see
the same
When that will be I don't know
I only guess, and hope I will be there with

But for now,
I like to try and take a walk
Through the woods,
or even down my street.


too many things to say

too many things to want

too many things to read

too many things to do

too many things to know

too many things to think

too many things to see

too many things to be

too many things to make

too many things to appreciate.


this is my new + selected life

curated for fast + easy enjoyment

you’ll know me inside + out

an experience to “cut through the noise".

Moments from films vol. 1


I got a tingly feeling

And floated to the ceiling

When the message came back

I had waited for years

Cycling through my fears

They vanished in a second


Your arms were like leather

I’m a pillow of feathers

Bobbing and flopping to sleep

I never touched the ground

Or even heard a sound

But my neck was warm and fuzzy


Pauses between what I said

As far apart as our heads

Objects closer than they appear

Eyeball glued to the mirror

She’s far enough to see her

Stubborn cheeks sore from sitting



The dragon might eat my soul

If I leave my tent

I hear his breath

Through the polyester vents

His body flows around me

But he dare not enter

As if he had fetters

Scared of polyester?

I’ve been here as long as I can remember

Eating the lichen and maggots

There’s a pile of my shit

In the corner

At least there are good reads

I’ve even started some philosophy

To shed light on this mystery

About the polyester

I hear his gnashing teeth

My soul he would eat

He would savor me, oh yes

If he could get me out of this tent.


1st draft

He used to walk upon the thousand hills

‘Til the day he became truthless

He once drank of the gushing wine

Yet the Spring has dried up

Why does he accept his fate?

As if he had no choice

His faculties are in working order

But there is a missing gear

The hills are but a jaunt up

The wine merely to be tapped

If only his clouds

Would slow their rushing across the sky

A cumulonimbus blocks the light of the sun

That which fed the flourishes of the painter’s brush

The canvas is barren

There are no more worthy ideas

He is truthless.

And he doesn’t know what truth is

All the thousands of words in the thousand books

Cannot discover the mystery

something to think about

Look at this buttercup... I mean really look.

Are you seeing it?

Look at the dog's hairs... There are millions. Little tiny hairs. That make up that face. Are you seeing it? Are you thinking about it? What are you thinking about?