
I want people to see the world through my eyes
I want them to feel how I feel sometimes
To show them the beauty
To show them the sadness
I want to get these things out
Things I can't express
I don't know how
The trees
The sky
The small flowers
Heart ache
A smile

Ive felt the evil of man
I know what it is to be evil and to want evil things
I've seen how a man can be evil

But again, i see the sun
And I see the tendrils of ice
I see the dog's hairs and the cat's purr
I see the green of the grass
How deep green it can be sometimes
And how easy it can be to not see that
To see someone crush the flower
It can be awful

I want to show it, I want us to see it
I don't know how i can do that
We all see different things
But I think there can be a time when we see
the same
When that will be I don't know
I only guess, and hope I will be there with

But for now,
I like to try and take a walk
Through the woods,
or even down my street.